Devised Flask platform to provide federal spending statistics with flexible aggregation by federal legislator and geography, for use in investment planning or general accountability
Constructed batch-processing pipeline to migrate 1TB PostgreSQL database to more performant CockroachDB, ingest other contextual data from multiple sources, and pre-calculate summary tables in PySpark
Automated pipeline with Airflow scheduling, decreased pipeline runtime by 20% and query runtime by 15% with CockroachDB migration
User interface for FedSpend app.
Click image to enlarge.
Jan 2020 - Jul 2020
San Francisco, California
Senior Data Scientist, Studio & Creative Production
Demonstrated 30% efficiency gain in the subtitle localization process through A/B test analysis and designed
experimentation program for further process optimization
Built pipelines to construct clean analytic datasets from terabytes of JSON payloads and application log data
Collaborated with cross-functional teams as the data 'spokesperson' to Globalization organization, to understand business needs and connect to data requirements and actionable analysis plans
Pioneered stakeholder-facing Tableau dashboards that exposed analytics for the first time in this business area
Oct 2018 - Sept 2019
Los Gatos, California
Scientific Director, McGoldrick Professional Development Program in Public Health
Harvard Chan School of Public Health
Developed graduate-level course on use of descriptive statistics, inferential statistics, and study design for program monitoring
and evaluation, and accompanying instructor training-of-trainers program for course implementation
Orchestrated five one-week pilot course offerings in Rwanda, Nigeria, Tanzania, Botswana, and South Africa
and provided on-site administrative and instructional assistance
Achieved 100% student recommendation rating (20-70 students/course across five countries)
Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, Department of Biostatistics
Harvard Chan School of Public Health
Investigated use of visualization techniques towards determination of treatment effect heterogeneity through empirical identification & characterization of subgroups in high-dimensional settings
Identified cultural and environmental effect modifiers of the causal relationship between blended learning and graduate-level biostatistical knowledge uptake outcomes, comparing the United States context to the context in five African countries
Identified practical adjustments to instructional public health materials created in the United States in order to equalize or improve knowledge uptake when ported to other cultural and environmental contexts
Jul 2017 - Sept 2018
Boston, Massachusetts
Graduate Research Fellow, Department of Biostatistics
Harvard Chan School of Public Health
Developed statistical benchmarking procedure to compare classical, Bayesian, and tree-based approaches to
causal modeling through simulation
Designed and programmed visualization application in R and JavaScript to facilitate data mining for treatment
effect heterogeneity and empirical identification & characterization of subgroups in high-dimensional settings
Reviewed statistical evidence and assessed extant Rwandan health data quantity and quality towards demonstration of changes in mortality attributable to noncommunicable disease reduction
Evaluated survey methodologies on statistical and logistical efficiency as they relate to health system monitoring and evaluation in Africa
Contributed to proof-of-concept Python project to apply simulated annealing optimization technique on spatial data to calculate optimal placement for a new bike lane, and created expository website.
Poster summarizing research project and results.
Click image to enlarge.
Sept 2012 - May 2017
Boston, Massachusetts
Biostatistician, Department of Biostatistics
Harvard Chan School of Public Health
Analyzed data from disadvantaged post-conflict communities in Acholi subregion of northern Uganda
Evaluated results-based financing (RBF) health and wealth improvement program funded by United Kingdom government, as statistical support to the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine
Presidential Instructional Technology Fellow
Initiative for Learning & Teaching, Harvard University
Programmed graphical user interface for MATLAB-based disease transmission model program
Developed Google Maps application and accompanying course website for advanced Italian course
Jun 2010 - Jan 2011
Cambridge, Massachusetts
Research Assistant, School of Engineering & Applied Sciences
Harvard University
Designed experiments to quantify collagen fibril alignment in presence of magnetic field, for further development into scaffolds for human embryonic stem cell differentiation
Presented research at Harvard College Program for Research in Science and Engineering (PRISE) conference in August 2008
Amgen Scholar / Research Assistant, Department of Biochemistry
Stanford University School of Medicine
One of fifteen undergraduates selected nationally to participate in biomedical research program
Analyzed mutant phenotypes of Drosophila embryos to investigate genes that could be implicated in early tracheal development
Fixed mutant Drosophila embryos at particular developmental stages for qualitative analysis of tracheal morphogenetic phenotype using fluorescent microscopy
Presented research at conclusion of program,and presented poster at Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students (ABRCMS) in November 2007 (below)
Poster presented at the Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students (ABRCMS) in November 2007.
Click image to enlarge.
Jun - Aug 2007
Palo Alto, California
Research Assistant, Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry
University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Used 4D NMR techniques to research structure of Gag protein of the simian immunodeficiency virus
Transformed bacteria with Gag protein gene, harvested protein via cell lysis, and purified lysate via ion-exchange chromatography
Presented poster at University of Maryland ResearchFest in August 2006
Teaching Fellow, Department of Biostatistics
Harvard Chan School of Public Health
For listed courses: instructed bi/weekly problem sessions, held individual meetings with students on course material and remedial mathematics, graded exams and weekly homework assignments
Introduction to Quantitative Methods in Monitoring & Evaluation Summer: 2012, 2013, 2014; Spring 2017
Led the video recording, editing, and uploading of course content onto edX online course platform
Principles of Biostatistics Spring 2015; Fall: 2015, 2016
Led problem sessions through live video conferencing with students enrolled in Master of Public Health program at King Abdulaziz University in Saudi Arabia.
Core Principles of Biostatistics and Epidemiology for Public Health Practice Fall 2015
Statistical Methods II Spring 2015
Principles of Biostatistics Fall: 2013, 2014
Served as head TF over course of 137 students, during fall 2014 offering.
Additional responsibilities as head TF included writing weekly homework and practicum assignments and solutions, organization and distribution of work amongst other four TFs.
Across all courses, average student rating of 4.60/5.
Led daily problem sessions for two graduate-level one-week courses, Introductory Biostatistics and Monitoring & Evaluation of Public Health Programs, to classes of international health professionals
Prepared problem session materials and held individual meetings with students as needed
Instructor, Department of Biostatistics
Harvard Chan School of Public Health
Prepared materials for and instructed three introductory Stata sessions to incoming graduate students
Aug 2013
Boston, Massachusetts
Grader, Department of Mathematics & Statistics
Smith College
Created solution sets and graded homework for an introductory probability course of 32 students
Fall 2011
Northampton, Massachusetts
Course Assistant, Department of Mathematics
Harvard College
For listed courses: instructed weekly problem sessions, held individual meetings with students on course material and remedial mathematics, graded exams and weekly homework assignments
Modeling and Differential Equations for the Life Sciences Fall: 2006, 2007
Calculus II Spring 2007
Received highest rating of any course assistant or teaching fellow
Calculus I Spring 2008
Across all courses, average student rating of 4.60/5.
Anoke S, Normand S-L, Zigler C. Approaches to treatment effect heterogeneity in the presence of confounding. Statistics in Medicine, DOI 10.1002/sim.8143.
Anoke S, Bukhman G, Muhimpundu MA, Hedt-Gauthier B, Uwaliraye P. Demonstrating NCD mortality rate reduction for the poor in sub-Saharan Africa: the measurement gap. Drafted.
Anoke S, Mwai P, Jeffery C, Valadez J, Pagano M (2015). Comparing two survey methods of mea- suring health related indicators: LQAS and DHS. Tropical Medicine & International Health, 20(12):1756-1770.
Anoke S, Zhao Y, Jaeger R, Horton NJ (2012). xgrid and R: Parallel Distributed Processing Using Heterogeneous Groups of Apple Computers. R Journal, 4(1):45-55.
Lot Quality Assurance Sampling: Background and Applications.
Department of Epidemiology and Medical Statistics at the University of Ibadan, Nigeria.
July 2018.
Biostatistical Capacity Building in Sub-Saharan Africa.
HIV Working Group in the Department of Biostatistics at the Harvard Chan School of Public Health, Boston.
February 2018.
Algorithms for Sampling from Probability Distributions.
Probability Theory and Applications (course), Department of Biostatistics at the Harvard Chan School of Public Health, Boston.
November 2017.