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Stacks and depth-first search



As beautifully summarized by William Fiset ( LinkedIn) in his YouTube tutorial, a data structure is a object for organizing data so that it can be used (i.e., accessed / queried / updated). An abstract data type (ADT) is an abstraction of a data structure which provides only the interface to which a data structure must adhere to. The interface does not give any specific details about how something should be implemented or in what programming language.

There are a number of common ADTs, some listed in the table of abstractions below. This article will focus on defining the stack and demonstrating its utility in the implementation of the depth-first search algorithm.

Abstraction Implementation
vehicle golf cart
smart car
list dynamic list
linked list
queue linked list based queue
array based queue
stack based queue
map tree map
hash map / hash table
stack linked list


Bayes' theorem spelt out in blue neon at the offices of Autonomy in Cambridge.
Depiction of the stack data structure, and how data is added, stored, and removed.
Credit: Modified from screenshot of William Fiset's YouTube tutorial.

A stack is a one-ended linear data structure which models a real world stack by having two primary operations: push and pop.

  • In its implementation there is a top pointer to the data element at the top of the stack.
  • Items always get removed from or added to the top of the pile; this behavior is commonly called LIFO (last in first out).

In doing a (time) complexity analysis, we see that stacks perform really well! Constant time in nearly all operations except for search; search is linear in time because we may have to scan all elements in the stack.

Operation Complexity Notes
pushing O(1) we have a pointer to the top element at all times
popping O(1) we have a pointer to the top element at all times
(returns the value at the top without removing it)
O(1) we have a pointer to the top element at all times
searching O(n) may need to scan all elements in the stack

Stacks are used in a variety of contexts, including

  • By undo mechanisms in text editors.
  • In compiler syntax checking for the matching brackets and braces.
    The stack keeps track of the left brackets. When encountering a right bracket, the syntax checker
    1. checks whether the stack is empty
    2. peeks at the top element to see whether its equal to the reverse bracket
    3. at the end of the script, checks that the stack is empty
  • To model a pile of books or plates
  • Behind the scenes to support recursion by keeping track of previous function calls
  • To do a depth first search (DFS) on a graph

Depth-first search (DFS)

one of several graph traversal algorithms

As summarized by GeeksForGeeks, trees can be traversed in different ways: depth-first search (DFS) and breadth-first search (BFS, also known as level-order traversal). This is different from linear data structures (arrays, linked lists, queues, stacks), which only have one logical way to traverse them.

In comparing DFS to BFS, we see that DFS is better for path exploration while BFS is better for getting to more nodes faster. The table below provides a few additional points of comparison.

depth-first search breadth-first search
focused on exploring paths focused on getting to more nodes faster
good for looking for paths, detecting cycles good for any search that can be based on levels
associated with a stack data structure (LIFO) associated with a queue data structure (FIFO)
Cartoon depiction of a small tree with five nodes.

The DFS algorithm itself has several traversal types, explained below within the context of a tree example from GeeksForGeeks. The listing below gives the traversal method, the associated traversal order, and the result of that traversal on the example tree.

  1. inorder (left, root, right): 4 2 5 1 3
    • traverse the left subtree, i.e., call inorder(left_subtree)
    • visit the root
    • traverse the right subtree, i.e., call inorder(right_subtree)
  2. preorder (root, left, right): 1 2 4 5 3
    • visit the root
    • traverse the left subtree, i.e., call preorder(left_subtree)
    • traverse the right subtree, i.e., call preorder(right_subtree)
  3. postorder (left, root, right): 4 5 2 3 1
    • traverse the left subtree, i.e., call postorder(left_subtree)
    • traverse the right subtree, i.e., call postorder(right_subtree)
    • visit the root

It is most common to implement DFS recursively, as shown in the pseudocode below. The code assumes that the tree is structured as a linked list, and a tree node is of class TreeNode.

# to generate values from IG distribution
dfs(TreeNode current):
    if current is null:
        return false
    if current satisfies condition:
        return true
    if current is leaf
        return false
    return dfs(current.left) or dfs(current.right)